Britney Spears did not respond in a timely manner to eight of 14 random drug test requests, Kevin Federline's attorney said in court Thursday.
Alleging the singer lives in a "parallel universe," lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan reminded the court that the singer had been reprimanded three times by Commissioner Scott Gordon for failing to be reachable by phone. "Mr. Federline doesn't want to take these children out of their mother's life, but what are we to do?" Kaplan said.
Spears's lawyer, Anne Kiley, called the current drug testing procedure "unconstitutional," adding that just because the singer may fail to respond to testing calls doesn't mean she's using drugs. Kiley stated that Spears tested clean on 10 occasions.
Explaining why Spears frequently changes her phone number, Kiley said the singer's number often falls into the wrong hands. When Commissioner Gordon stated that responding to a morning call wasn't an extreme request, Kiley shot back: "But you're not a pop star with a No. 1 album to promote." (Spears's new album Blackout is No. 2 on Billboard.)
Currently, Spears must submit to twice-weekly random drug and alcohol tests, and is required to give a urine sample within six hours of being called.