Friday, January 25, 2008

Hannah Montana Terrorist Threat?

Police arrested and charged a teenager Tuesday night at Nashville International Airport.

Investigators said he planned to hijack a commercial airliner.

The 16-year-old boarded a plane in California bound for Nashville.

Airport police said he smuggled handcuffs and other dangerous items on board.

Airport police in Nashville learned of a possible threat on an incoming flight.

A tip led guards to arrest a teenage runaway from a Los Angeles flight.

Investigators said he somehow smuggled handcuffs, rope and tape onto the plane. He also had a copy of the flight plan and schedules.

Investigators said he planned to hijack the plane and order the pilots to divert the course from Nashville to Lafayette, La. The teenager wanted to crash the airliner into a Hannah Montana concert.

He was confronted on the plane and held until it landed.

Airport police reacted quickly. The suspect did not have a weapon, but he did have handcuffs and a plan to hijack the plane.

Sources said he may have made similar threats to do something like this in the past.

The suspect got the date wrong for the concert. It takes place Friday night instead of earlier this week.